things that Kitty likes

A’pieu Icing Sweet Bar Sheet Mask – Hanrabong

Happy Friday! I’m looking forward to Halloween as it’s just right around the corner. I’m still trying to squeeze in sheet masking even though the days and nights are cooler now. This is the other sheet mask I brought on the recent trip with me. Here’s my thoughts on the A’pieu Icing Sweet Bar Sheet Mask – Hanrabong.

A’pieu Icing Sweet Bar Sheet Mask – Hanrabong

First thoughts? I was so looking forward to a sweet or candy-like pineapple scent but was hit with citrus notes that are more of oranges and lemons. Silly me….I already used (and reviewed here) the pineapple one, which is why I had an expectation of what it would smell like. The scent is something I’m not a huge fan of as while I do well with citrus scents, this reminds me of those car air fresheners somewhat. Not full-on that kind of scent but at the very least a hint of it and this mama is not a fan. The good news is that it dissipates after a minute being on my face. I looked it up online on what exactly it is and hallabong (search for “hanrabong” yields this as a result) is a Korean orange that’s “a citrus hybrid that grew on Jeju Island in 1998 and tastes similar to Mandarin”. The sheet mask is very soft and fits on my face very well. I left it on my face for long time but it felt like it wasn’t drying fast enough (maybe cause I was staying in a lake on a floating cabin?), so I promptly fell asleep with it. I removed it groggily in the middle of the night. Unlike the other ones from the variety pack set I got from TJMaxx, my face felt pretty smooth as it dried down very nicely. Even when I used the remaining essence up the next few times I went through my skincare routine it dried excellent. I’m a huge fan of it in that aspect.

A’pieu Icing Sweet Bar Sheet Mask – Hanrabong (details on back)

Any negatives? So, can I get past the scent with how well it dried down? Since I only smell it for a brief minute, I say yes. I’m keeping my eyes peeled for these to pop up again at TJMaxx.

More information on this brand and their other products is available here.

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