things that Kitty likes

JMsolution Mix Berry Vital Mask

Ooh-la-la….it is a cool day today as we have rain showers pretty much the entire day according to the weather forecast. This past weekend was nice, but certainly felt too short. With that in mind, I looked up the state park my husband has on his list as next to visit that is good for kayak fishing. I saw an opening in an overwater cabin available over a weekend and after very little discussion I went ahead and booked it. I thought it would be such a shame to be there in December for kayak fishing as it would be much colder. We’ll just go to another state park and plan for short hikes and lots of time in front of the fire for December. The most recent sheet mask I’ve tried felt like such a treat. Here’s my take on the JMsolution Mix Berry Vital Mask.

JMsolution Mix Berry Vital Mask

First thoughts? I wasn’t familiar with this particular sheet mask from them and it’s then I noticed it says JMSolution Japan in the front of the packet. It is made in Korea still but I think it was marketed specifically to Japan maybe? I got this in a pack of 5 from TJMaxx. The packaging caught my eye and the light pink color is not one that would make me think of this brand. The graphic on the packet is quite attractive to me. I’m a sucker for food and pretty things so this is right up my alley. The scent makes me think of fruit and wine. The honey in it helps with that scent. The sheet mask is super soft yet soaks up a ton of essence. It felt gel-like when I fished it out of the packet. Again, it does feel a little big but fits on my face pretty well. It is actually quite pliable, so I would say to not stretch it unless you need to cover more area that it can by default. It feels very cool and nice — almost like having ice on my face but without the actual coldness if that makes any sense. I left it on for almost an hour and it is still quite damp but I had to take it off so I rubbed what’s leftover on the sheet mask onto my neck and shoulders. There’s still a lot of essence left in the packet that I used up in my skincare routine for the next 3 days. It dries down really well and there is still an ever-so-light feeling of tackiness left on my skin after use, which is pretty common for me with sheet masks that have honey in it. Not a problem at all though as I always follow the use of a sheet mask up with a face moisturizer. My face looks rested and plump after use.

JMsolution Mix Berry Vital Mask (details on back)

Any negatives? Nothing at all except for availability. I love how it smells, feels on my face and how bright and nice my face looks after use. I’m hoping I can find more of this at TJMaxx whenever I go as I’d gladly buy it even when it’s not on clearance as the price was pretty good to begin with there.

More information on this brand and their other products is available here. Their US site here was up and running when I wrote my previous post but it looks to be under construction right now. I did not find this particular sheet mask on the Korean site so I went to their Japanese here and saw this on their main page:

『JMsolution』 delivers a “solution of all beauty.”

It is a global brand from Korea.

We offer a number of items tailored to the needs of the Japanese market.

And guess what? I found it on their Japan site here. The name’s different but it’s the same graphic. So I guess I can only get it fro Japan or whoever imports it from there.

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